Sunday, March 22, 2015

Johnny and Yosaku

Just practicing a little bit of a worm's eye view perspective here. Anyway, I was wondering when will we be seeing these funny guys again.
Johnny and Yosaku

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Portgas D. Ace

Just what is living anyway?
To some, it’s making a difference through their lifetime.
Some say it’s fulfilling their life purpose.
Some could not answer, while some don’t even bother to ask.

With all different answers, too me, living is doing the things that you love doing. Doing the things that excite me as to the point that I feel like I’m being lifted; it’s doing the things that you love to do without any worries of what might become in the end; it’s doing the things you love regardless of the outcome and still be contented with it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Time Lapse Drawing: Luffy

Check out the video below to see a time lapse drawing of the above. I tried my best to have it on high definition but still it’s a bit blurry. Anyway, hope you enjoy this one guys!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Time Lapse Drawing: Zoro

      So, it’s been like 3 years that I’ve been posting images of my drawings and lately I just thought of doing something different. Well, I’ve been studying how to do videos lately just for this moment (zehahahaha) and so finally I’m posting a time lapse drawing of my favorite character Roronoa Zoro. Hopefully you guys enjoy this one and I know there’s a tendency of you not liking it. But for the sake of being a one piece fan, do leave some comments to give me ideas on what and how I can improve my videos and drawings. Thank you!

Friday, March 6, 2015


    Just re-read One Piece manga Chapter 779- “The Last Fight” which by the way is the main reason why I drew Bellamy for today’s post. Well, not that of an important character he is, but Oda just did a good job in giving him the magnitude he deserves on this chapter. I just like the way how Oda showed us how highly developed Bellamy’s character is now compared way back before time-skip. To all Bellamy fans out there, this is for you all!

"Bellamy The Hyena”

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hawkins Pirates

    So, after working on CP9 for almost an hour, I finally decided to just draw the Hawkins Pirates instead. Hehehe…well, I guess I’m not that a quick decision maker. Good thing for me, it only took me another almost an hour to complete it. Anyway, hope you like this one guys.

Hawkins and his crew.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Heart Pirates

     One reason why I like the way Oda does with the characters of One Piece is that he can actually make bad looking characters, (Jean Bart for example) as well as simply designed characters (Law and the rest of the crew) look really bad ass. And with how he uses the characters, for sure, we're gonna see more of these crew in the very near future. If they ever compete with the Straw Hats, still I wanna see it. And with how I foresee, Jean Bart's gonna take on against Franky or Chopper. Now that's something I would really look forward to!
Heart Pirates - Law, Bepo, Jean Bart, Penguin, Shachi