Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Urouge vs Cracker

I didn't know Urouge "Mystery Monk" was this strong. Though having one of the lowest bounties among the supernovas, he was able to take down one of the commanders of a Yonko, though, finally defeated by Charlotte Cracker. Now, I'm wondering if we'll get to see this fight in the anime. Hopefully it'll be detailed.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 031 Last Day of the Drawing Challenge!

Hooray! I made it once again and survived the drawing challenge! This is the 31st and the last day of the challenge and for the finale, I decided to make it a bit special. At least for me. Anyway, instead of just showing the usual final illustration, I decided to show you the process of how I completed this drawing. 

Oh, so you thought of something "special", well, sorry dude! Not what you're thinking! :P :D 
P.S. Check out the sketches below! :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sunday, July 31, 2016

One Piece 30 Day Drawing Challenge

Starting tomorrow, August 1, 2016, I am relaunching the 30 Day Drawing Challenge. First I've launched it was about 2 years ago and so I'm doing it again. So, for the entire August, I will draw 31 drawings of One Piece related characters every single day.

Good luck to me!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Carrot One Piece
Fortunately, I was able to squeeze a sketch for today. This marks the 200th illustration! Yahooooo!!! Now, off to working on my personal web comic!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Raizou One Piece
Raizou of the Mist
It's been a while since my last post here and fortunately, I had free time today for a quick illustration of Raizou. Well, the ninja image of him may be a let down but still, Oda is the best.

And yes, it's my first pose of the year!